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July 2013
Auctions Plus Wool Sale
Tue, 16/07/2013 - 14:07
In week five of the 2013 / 2014 season, Auctions Plus Wool (formerly Wooltrade Plus) will conduct an electronic auction of nearly 5000 bales. Jemalong Wool will be the main contributor. This will in fact be the final week of the winter recess, and therefore the week before the open cry auctions resume. The resumption week has always been a "bone of contention" for both buyer and seller. From a sellers point of view, it's the first opportunity to auction wool for a month, and for this reason, it is usually very heavily subscribed. From a buyers perspective, it nearly always offers too much volume for the trade to handle. For these reasons, we decided to give the Auctions Plus sale a go. Fortunately for us, our clientele seem to be open minded and innovative enough to at least give the online sale an opportunity. We decided to show the samples just as we would for any other sale. Buyers who wish to view the samples pre sale will be able to do so. Samples will obviously be available for post sale inspection as well. For our part, we feel we owe it to our clients to provide every selling opportunity we can.